Emily A. Weiser
O: 814.226.0702
F: 814.226.0755
[email protected]
Emily Weiser joined the Terra Works team in 2016 to become the Financial Controller for Terra Works, Inc. Emily attended the Clarion University and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business & Accounting. Emily was previously an accountant for a CPA firm in Leeper, PA called Susan G. Patton, CPA and a Field Assessor for the County of Clarion before she came on board with Terra Works. Her wealth of knowledge has become a tremendous asset to TWI. Emily’s personality and work ethic are perfect for the role she holds in Terra Works. Emily is responsible for the overall financial operations within the organization such as account reconciliation, all required tax filings, 401k deposits, certified payroll reports, payroll, review of the monthly financial statements and monthly Workers Compensation deposits and enter all accounts receivable invoices and cash receipts.